Blog Challenge Responses Round Up #7
The Prompt
[blockquote text="Challenge #7 = Money Tell us about the cost of living in your host country. What can $1 buy? What is surprisingly expensive or cheap?" text_color="" width="80" line_height="undefined" background_color="" border_color="" show_quote_icon="no" quote_icon_color=""]Highlights
Our bloggers got especially creative with this challenge. Here are some highlights from their posts about Money in their host countries:We also encourage you to check out the Blog Challenge blog post links below and on our Boot Camp Blog Challenge pinterest board.
- Jess in Belize gives a new perspective on the cost of gas in her host country
- Justin explains the cost of living in Madagascar and shares a photo of his $2 Thanksgiving meal
- Michael polled his fellow volunteers in Colombia and put together great charts depicting how far $1 US will go
- Matt and Anne in Morocco created their very own Price Is Right game

28 January, 2016