04 Feb Blog Challenge Responses Round-Up #9
The Prompt
Challenge #9 = Crazy Moments
When living abroad, unfamiliar experiences come with the territory. Tell us about it!
- Jose in The Philippines discovers remnants of an usual, ancient tradition and successfully presents it in an objective yet interesting way
- SaraJoy shares her surprise at some of the roads in Moldova
- Beth reveals the ins and outs of A Life Unplumbed in Lesotho
- Beth in Burkina Faso depicts wedding traditionss with easy-to-read bullet point
There are many other fantastic stories and cultural curiosities in this week’s responses! We encourage you to check out the Blog Challenge blog post links below and on our Boot Camp Blog Challenge pinterest board.
What a Crazy Day! Idiom:like crazy Informal To an exceeding degree… I’ve been in Mozambique for nine months and I must say my days have been full of experiences. That is the phenomenon of acclimating to…
Ethiopian Mysteries Ten things I still don’t understand about Ethiopia after 2.5 years of living here 1. Why do bees like shiro powder? Shiro powder, a flour made from yellow split peas, is…
Eating Our Cake and Having it Too This blog challenge asks us to write about a single crazy moment that we have experienced since being in country. Not quite a crazy moment but rather a first brush…
Computer Caos!One of the common challenges volunteers in Moldova… face is working with Moldovan computers. It’s not the age of the computers that’s the problem. It’s not the quality. It’s…
Hurry Up and Wait All volunteers in Madagascar have to travel by taxi brousse at least sometime during their service; if not every time they want to go somewhere. Though it gets easier…
Ancient traditions seen by modern eyes To uneducated eyes cultural differences can sometimes come across strange, weird or even wrong/unethical. At times we as individuals are quick to judge and infer about these cultural differences without…
Our Crazy Travel Story When we were trying to think of crazy stories to tell, we found it kind of difficult. Not for a lack of stories that fit the crazy description, but because…
Weddings for Days! The next prompt is “Crazy Moments” and I am going to use this opportunity to talk about weddings. Most people imagine weddings based on family tradition, what kind of culture…
A Kabone Tale When it came to picking the craziest thing that has happened to me over the past two years, I really had to dig around for it….
Close Quarters There are just a few ways for Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) to get around Moldova. In most cases, we won’t be taking a taxi. Taxis aren’t the least expensive and…
Unintentional Ride Along It all started off just as a normal Tuesday. Having just returned from a glorious two week vacation, I was anxious to get back into the groove of pueblo life….
A Life Unplumbed Life in my rural village in Lesotho is entirely unplumbed. I know of only one home in the entire 500+ family community that has indoor plumbing. Their toilet, sinks, and…
Woah Moments There have been plenty of woah moments in my first 8 months in Mongolia and although many things are the norm or becoming the norm I want to share a…
Traveling the roads of Moldova Is this a road or a small body of water? What do you think? This is a road! I pass by this street almost every day. The first time I…
The Policeman and the Provocative Question This Entry’s Theme of the Blogging Abroad Boot Camp Challenge: crazy moments (aka 90% of this blog’s content). Just for clarification, the amaZulu and Republic of South Africa are…
Crazy Moments Living Abroad in Ethiopia #Blogging Abroad Living in Ethiopia, crazy moments happen quite often. I have found that crazy moments have ranged from…
What Happens When Your Headphones Break? Everyday situations when you’re a foreigner in Morocco become far more convoluted and confusing. Here’s Robert’s account of yesterday’s Problem of the Day: So big problem, your headphones break and you’re…
Guinea Pics! This post is about the unexpected joys of living with a host family. Two days ago, my host brother brought home two very fat, very happy guinea pigs. Enjoy some…
- Orarul lecțiilor – Our school’s class schedule I arrived in Moldova at the start of June. School opened at the start of September. Keeping in mind that I had only studied Romanian three…
- You Won’t Believe What Happened Next… To date, I would say that nothing really “crazy’ has happened to me, maybe because I’ve lived abroad before…
- Cockroach Football I had heard before coming here that Cameroon, like practically every country other than the States, was crazy about football, but when people told me that kids can…
- How to Lose A Guy in 10 Minutes Let’s revisit this story for the Blogging Abroad “Crazy Moments” prompt, as I remember it as being one of my earliest, craziest, and definitely most discussed…
- Evading the Checkpoint: My Dolphin-Bajaj-Dolphin Experience Many of the most ridiculous moments and situations I’ve faced in Ethiopia have involved busses…
- Comfort Zones & Cool Moms By Taylor
Posted at 06:41h, 09 MaySo this is a little over the top for wow moments! https://seaofcarnage.wordpress.com/2016/05/09/that-one-time-in-the-market/
Posted at 05:02h, 12 Decemberhttp://www.littlebackpackbigworld.com/tina/twenty-questions/
Posted at 09:58h, 28 FebruaryVia Kate: https://kateschachtergeorgia.wordpress.com/2017/01/05/we-all-need-peace/