01 Feb Blog Challenge Responses Round-Up #8
The Prompt
Challenge #8 = Details It's time to go micro! Hone in on one particular detail of your life abroad, in pictures and/or words.
This Challenge allowed for a wide range of topics to be covered. Every single post is interesting in its own way, so dig in to whatever cultural detail strikes your fancy: from morning sounds to pueblo classrooms, customs and taboos or non-verbal communication to writing skills, pagne fabrics or beads to doors and windows, and even rice.
There is so much to be discovered in these blog posts! We encourage you to check out the Blog Challenge blog post links below and on our Boot Camp Blog Challenge pinterest board.
Peaces of Love: The Small Details Peaces of Love is a collection of the small details I want to share and remember. I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about the big life…
A Four letter word that means six things When I move back to the United States (or wherever my next destination will be), if I am asked “Do you want some rice?” I will not know how…
Our Daily Patterns Take a look at any tour book of Spain and one of the must see destinations will be the old Islamic fortress called the Alhambra. While it boasts some very…
Everyday Details: Snapchat & 1 SE One of the things we miss most is knowing the small details of our friends and family’s everyday lives. Even though modern technology allows us to be super connected, communication…
Details: The points we trip over in life’s journey. I wish I read… Details: The points we trip over in life’s journey. I wish I read a how-to book called “Live in harmony and pay attention to the details” because if I did, these…
What is a Tantie? I talk about my “tanties” all the time and you might have figured out by context what that is but for this prompt “details” I’m going to go a little…
The Smallest Unit of the “Rainbow Nation” This entry’s prompt for the Blogging Abroad Blog Boot Camp: details (aka the small aspects of life that we tend to overlook). While reflecting on this prompt, I tried to…
French Details This week when thinking about the details of Madagascar, I found my self traveling accross my region aboard one of the few remaining passenger trains in Madagascar. As…
The Way The slick packed snow, slightly discolored, starts the path to school. Through the gate, across the kindergarten play yard, under the low lying tree branch to the yellow brick path….
Up Close and Personal This blog challenge has us looking at the details of our lives abroad. I decided to zoom in on one of Togo’s cultural aspects I’ve enjoyed the most while being…
Dissecting the Pueblo Classroom Monday marked the first day of school for many students all along the Caribbean coast of Colombia. After two months of vacation, it was time to come back to the…
Tsy Malala Fomba Anao (You Don’t Follow Custom) In Madagascar there are many cultural norms, known as fomba, and taboos, known as fady, that the regular traveling tourist would probably never pick up on. Though they may be…
Fine (motor skills) detail. In considering groups of people and our norms, there are similarities both within groups and between groups. Thanks to talking with fellow Peace Corps Moldova volunteers about the #BloggingAbroadChallenge, I’ve…
It’s All in the Details: Decoding Ethiopian Non-Verbal Communication In addition to arriving in a country where I understood literally zero percent of the local language, I also had no idea what people were saying to me when they…
Nachos I miss nachos. Don’t get me wrong, I am very capable of eating them in-country (Moldova). But I don’t think family and friends back home realize what I go…
It’s all in the details… at HOME. Since the last post, The price is… what? was so popular I decided to introduce this one as a game as well. I missed the “Home” blog challenge deadline a few weeks…
Breakfast: A Love Story One time in high school my junior year English teacher gave us the task of writing a really descriptive short story, and as anyone who has read Tolkien knows, good description takes…
Ntlo I really, really love my house. I live in a circular house with a thatch roof and a single room – it’s called a rondavel, and they dot the hillsides…
The sounds of an Ethiopian Morning #BloggingAbroad Waking up in the morning:I wake up to sunlight streaming through my windows. I hear a rooster outside of my house. I can hear someone outside crushing coffee beans for…
San Pedro Annual leave days well-spent with my mom on La Isla Bonita…
- Sparkles By Cat
Posted at 11:50h, 02 Mayhttps://seaofcarnage.wordpress.com/2016/05/02/travelling-its-the-little-things/ with my wifi broke it is becoming a challenge to post within a reasonable time frame, sorry.
Posted at 17:08h, 15 Mayhttps://prekrasno.wordpress.com/2016/05/15/its-all-in-the-details/
Mark J.
Posted at 05:07h, 28 JuneI got so excited that I did two for this one as well!
Posted at 01:37h, 06 Decemberhttp://www.littlebackpackbigworld.com/tina/my-life-in-macro/