28 Jan Blog Challenge Responses Round Up #7
The Prompt
Challenge #7 = Money Tell us about the cost of living in your host country. What can $1 buy? What is surprisingly expensive or cheap?
Our bloggers got especially creative with this challenge. Here are some highlights from their posts about Money in their host countries:
- Jess in Belize gives a new perspective on the cost of gas in her host country
- Justin explains the cost of living in Madagascar and shares a photo of his $2 Thanksgiving meal
- Michael polled his fellow volunteers in Colombia and put together great charts depicting how far $1 US will go
- Matt and Anne in Morocco created their very own Price Is Right game
We also encourage you to check out the Blog Challenge blog post links below and on our Boot Camp Blog Challenge pinterest board.
Put Your Floos Where Your Fmm Is This post, we’re taking you on a quick grocery shopping trip with us! Marhaba, marhaba. You will get a better sense of where we get our food, as well as…
Vola maloto, olona sahirana VOLA VOLA VOLA, money, money, money…. #bloggingabroad I just bought a cup of coffee on the side of the street. I handed the mpivarotra (vendor) my wrinkled diman-jato (500ar),…
Moneymoneymoneymoney, MONEY! Like the classic O’ jays song, today’s post is all about the money. This is the newest prompt from the 2016 Blogging Abroad challenge. To catch up on our previous…
Our Surprises Lots of things have surprised us about life in Morocco. It’s hard to pick just a few to write about, so we decided to go with some of the most complicated…
Rocking the Balboa In my research prior to coming to Peace Corps I learned that the Panamanian Balboa was pegged to the exchange rate of the US dollar. What I didn’t understand before…
Our Price is Right! Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s episode of The Price is Right MAD edition. All prices have been converted from Moroccan dirhams (MAD) to U.S. dollars (USD) at a rate…
Living on the Cheap American money is boring. It’s dull to look at and lacks character that other monetary denominations possess around the world. Despite this boring state of appearance, there’s no better time…
Money View The collective culture of Paraguay lends itself to a different approach to money from that in the individualistic United States. In the US, each person is expected to earn their…
Money, Money, Money…Monnnnney Madagascar may be very expensive to travel to but once you are here the Dollar goes a long way. On average the Dollar equals 3,000 Ariary. That might be…
Just Call Me A New-Born Cheapskate It might be fairly costly to get to Perú (tickets from WA state are about $1,000), depending on where in the States you’re coming from, but once you’re…
Money Matters: The Value of a Sol We’re talking Peruvian Nuevo Soles, the official currency of Peru. The current exchange rate is 3.46 soles to 1 U.S. dollar! Imagine that, if you come visit Peru you will…
20 Ways to Spend $1 US in Burkina The next prompt for the blog challenge is money and while I’ve talked about it before I decided to go about it from a different angle. Currently the exchange rate…
Amagwinya: Edible Gold This entry’s theme for the Blogging Abroad Boot Camp Challenge: Money, money, money (aka rand, rand, rand, or what PCVs and their communities need for subsistence in 2016…also…
Money, Money, Money On the left, Lesotho’s Maloti,on the right, the South African Rand. Cue the Abba music, “Money, money, money…ain’t it funny..in a rich man’s world…” This post is all about the moolah. In…
A Peek Inside My Malagasy Wallet When it comes to the market, very special relationships exist. There is the tomato lady on the corner, who always makes sure I get the reddest, healthiest-looking tomatoes. She handpicks…
Cost of Living: The Vegetarian High Life, Ed. 3 As Peace Corps Volunteers in Moldova, Chris & I don’t have a salary. Our physical needs are all met by the Peace Corps through a living stipend designed to keep…
Gas: A Cost Comparison Let me break down how expensive it is to refuel here in Belize:$1 US = $2 BZ1 Gallon Unleaded in Belize = $11 BZ (This fluctuates, but I’ve seen it at…
- What Does A Dollar Buy You in Mozambique? I gasped when I read the prompt fromblogging abroad challenge on the topic for this week’s post; it is money. Money is a touchy topic, isn’t it?…
- The price is what? Let’s play a little guessing game. Below are a dozen photos of some random items from here in Moldova. Can you guess…
- What does $3 get me? The cost of living in Ecuador is significantly cheaper than where I have lived in the US. The Peace Corps living allowance equates to less than $6,000 annually…
- What does a dollar look like in Baganuur? What does one US dollar look like in Baganuur? Mongolian currency is called Tugrik and is made of bills ranging from 1 to 20,000…
- Living within my means #bloggingabroad The nice thing about living in Ethiopia is that it can very inexpensive here (in comparison to living in the states). One USD is equivalent to…
- Bill Bill Bill By Elizabeth Gomes
Posted at 06:20h, 28 AprilMi lete mi lete! So sorry I have an excuse, my wifi broke and I was in Cuba! https://seaofcarnage.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/money-money-money/
Posted at 00:54h, 04 Mayhttps://prekrasno.wordpress.com/2016/05/04/informal-avings-groups-and-womens-economic-empowerment-in-kyrgyzstan/
Posted at 22:33h, 09 MayHey there, here is my most recent post about $$$
Posted at 07:47h, 29 Novemberhttp://www.littlebackpackbigworld.com/tina/grocery-haul-what-100-usd-can-get-you-in-namibia/